Archery Coaches
All of our line safety officials and staff archery coaches are certified Level 1 or higher by USA Archery.
David Chan, Head Coach
Our lead coach, David Chan, is one of the few USA Archery regional certified (Level 4) coaches in the area. He is also a Level 2 Alpine ski instructor (passed Level 3 Ski Module), a difficult feat for someone who does not ski full time.

Current Instructors
Shabbir Safdar
Shabbir, like many adult archers you meet these days, shot archery at summer camp as a kid and then returned to it as an adult. He joined the Golden Gate JOAD program in 2011 and became hooked on the sport. He’s structured his practice and discipline around achieving USA Archery pins, because they form a great set of discrete and achievable goals.

Frank Lawler
Golden Gate JOAD coach Frank Lawler is an avid traditional archer, effectively shooting against his teammates while they use sights and stabilizers. He is devoted to the pursuit of the perfect archery form, spending hours each week shooting at a blank bale to master the movement of the archery shot cycle. He received his Level 1 coaching certification in 2012 after shooting as a student of the club for over a year. Frank and his wife Cathy (also a GGJOAD student) are also competitive sailboat racers. You can find them on their boat on the Bay or out by the Farallons on most weekends.
Other Instructors
- Nancy Chee
- Daniel Ge
- Hyong Hahm
- Ed Hsiao
- Ian Hsiao
- Deanna Jones
- Valerie Jones
- Jeff Tung
- Brian Wang

Former Instructors
Gerard learned to shoot English longbows as an actor in a play based on Robin Hood. The show featured six actors trained to shoot real bows on stage for the archery contest scene. Through enthusiasm of his fellow actors, Gerard became interested in the of history western target archery, from its origins as training for English yeomen in medieval times, through its evolution into a high society social pastime, to modern competitive sport. Gerard took up Olympic-style recurve shooting and instruction as part of a natural progression of the development of the bow and shooting techniques through history.

Other Instructors
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Can you please give me the contact for discuusing private lessons