Crazed Archers Take Over Golden Gate JOAD Achievement Shoot

Actual un-retouched photo of the crazed archers who took over the March 2nd Golden Gate JOAD Achievement Shoot.
Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s all the hours of practice, or maybe it’s just the fun of archery that has these Golden Gate JOAD archers acting crazy. They are all shooters at our March 2nd Achievement shoot in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
We had a great turnout for today’s Golden Gate JOAD Achievement Shoot as kids and adults all shot side-by-side to shoot their best and earn USA Archery award pins. We handed out lots of hard earned pins, but we also recognize all our participants for coming out shooting. The first step to winning is showing up. This is especially important to consider now because of how well our students are doing. They are doing so well many of them have shot through the “easy” JOAD Stars Pin Awards and Adult Achievement Award pins and are now shooting for more challenging benchmarks, so the rate at which they earn the pins is going to slow down as the challenge increases. Earning the higher pins will take practice. And possibly some equipment adjustments (but mostly practice, so don’t be thinking you’ll “upgrade your bow” into the score for the next pin 😀 ).
We have some new procedures for the shoots. They’ve become so popular we will no longer schedule first time lessons lessons on achievement shoot weekends. We want the achievement shoots to be fun with room for everybody. With tournament like conditions the achievement shoots limit each bale to 4 shooters per bale, which reduces our capacity. We’ll work on accommodating new archers on the remaining weekends. We want to make sure there will be plenty of coaches and room on the line for your friends and family when you drag them out to the archery range 🙂
Meanwhile, all this can be yours…well, with practice…