Next Session: June 23, 2012
The weather looks like typical Summer in San Francisco, Most likely foggy and damp for the morning with a slight chance of warming up as the morning goes on. Weather reports say expect 55-60 degrees at the coast (range) Dress in layers and count on very wet grass (wear waterproof shoes)
We will have a regular session with first time lessons being offered, reservations required.
For information on availability of first time lessons please check our Learn Archery page.
First time lesson starts at 9:00 so please be on time. Late comers will only be taken if there is an extra instructor available or after the first round of students have completed their first shots.
Returning archers please RSVP if you are coming this weekend and how many. Please bring your stretch bands, and notebooks, if you have been issued one. Returning archers should practice scoring once the first time students start shooting.
Have a great weekend.